Wombatq's Treehouse

Another addition to the clutter that is the Net!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Have to not see

The TV embargo is on. The Facebook setting is ignore. It's political season and I've had it with the non-stop insulting of what precious little intelligence I have. I will NOT watch anymore TV news than is strictly necessary to find out if it is going to rain and if the Tigers won. I will NOT "Like" any politician beyond local level. I will NOT subject myself to the half-truth and utter BS that is political campaigning. If you want to spend a bazillion dollars, fine. I will not watch it. I will not follow ads on my computer. I will track down real news in the paper and on the web and make up my own mind. Your ads (and the ads by your allies, superPACs, minions, ideological slobbovians and any other idiot with more money than anyone really needs) will be ignored if possible and directly mocked if not.

Mr Obama and Mr Romney, if you want my vote, stop by the house and I will put coffee on. I will ask direct questions and expect real answers. If I hear BS, I will call it. Your call on whether or not media is in. Tell me why the stuff you want to do will make things better and HOW IT WILL DO IT. SPECIFICALLY. No catchphrases, dog whistles, cheap shots or any of that crap.

I am a young curmudgeon, but I do subscribe to the greatest Saturday morning history teacher, "Schoolhouse Rock",  that voting is to "improve that country, state, county, town and school." So, spend all you want. Keep the advertisers, political think tanks (a useless organization if ever there was one), consultants and advisors busy. Maybe they will spend enough to get things moving again. But it won’t work with me.

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