Wombatq's Treehouse

Another addition to the clutter that is the Net!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hmmmm...too SOMETHING to cook.

OK, OK, those that know me know my job does usually allow me time to cook (though, sadly, not always the inspiration) something good. I try to time meals so when the kids get home from swimming (or Scouts, Soccer, Cross Country or any of the things kids do). I want everyone, if at all possible, to sit down and have dinner together, or at least at the same time.

And it's not all that hard, even when I was working away from home 60+hours a week. A slow-cooker seems like a must for busy families. Do a little planning. Cook ahead. A real cooked meal that is made on a "quiet" night and put in the fridge for heating up later usually better than shortcut foods. I roasted two chickens sunday just so I could make chicken salad and broth for the week. Two dinners and two lunches in one sunday afternoon.


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